JANUARY Pt. 2 - What does God's plan for your purpose look like?



Revisit the names they wrote down and if they wrote any reasons as to why they wouldn’t be able to influence them.  (If they didn’t, take the time to make a list)



  1. Moses had to overcome his own insecurities to ultimately take some steps in obedience to let God work the miracles that were in his future.
  2. God told Moses what was going to happen, but He didn’t say it was going to be easy.



Exodus 7:3-5: “But I will make Pharaoh’s heart stubborn so I can multiply my miraculous signs and wonders in the land of Egypt. 4 Even then Pharaoh will refuse to listen to you. So I will bring down my fist on Egypt. Then I will rescue my forces—my people, the Israelites—from the land of Egypt with great acts of judgment. 5 When I raise my powerful hand and bring out the Israelites, the Egyptians will know that I am the Lord.”

God told Moses that it was not going to be easy. He informed them that Pharaoh’s heart would be stubborn but it is to multiply the signs and wonders all throughout. Moses went to Pharaoh just as God had instructed him. Pharaoh didn’t listen the first time so God told Moses what to do to bring the first of seven Plagues against Egypt:

Plague of Blood: Had Aaron strike the water and turn all the water in Egypt to Blood. Pharaoh still didn’t believe.

Plague of Frogs: Frogs were everywhere and for a moment, it looked like that was going to be enough for Pharaoh to let the Israelites go. Then suddenly he changed his mind.

Plague of Gnats: Gnats were everywhere. Pharaoh still did not listen!

Plague of Flies: Flies were everywhere and for a moment, it looked like that was going to be enough for Pharaoh to let the Israelites go. Then suddenly he changed his mind.

And then MORE plagues...

Plague against Livestock
Plague of Festering Boils
Plague of Hail
Plague of Locusts
Plague of Darkness

Every plague came. And Pharaoh still would not let the Israelites go.

And then...Passover - God spared the first born sons of the Israelites but all other first born sons died including the Pharaoh’s. This changed Pharaoh’s mind. (NOTE: We’ll discuss Passover specifically next week so you don’t have to go into great theological detail on this part!)

Moses was still obedient this ENTIRE TIME even while Pharaoh was denying what God had put on his life to do. Regardless, he kept listening to what God had called and told him to do, how to do it, and when to do it. His obedience continuously brought opportunities for God to use him and to show His power and might. His obedience was over time.



How can we begin that step in obedience this week?

Those names you wrote down (the people God has called you to)…those can be your big miracles.

One step you can take is to begin praying for those friends or family.

Your prayer can be as simple as this: God I’m praying today for my friend Joe. I pray that I can influence Joe to understand who you are and what you have done for him. Let me be a shining light in his life. In your Son Jesus’ name. Amen.


  1. Give your students a few minutes to quietly pray for their friends on their lists.
  2. Pray for your students; For courage to be a light in the lives of their friends despite the up's and down's they may face as they pursue their purpose in reaching them.
Elevate Church