JANUARY: Part 1 - Who has God called you to?

RECAP + REVIEW: Moses and the Burning Bush (Exodus 3-4)


80 year old Moses was tending his flock in the back of the desert. A bush was burning but was not consumed by the flames. Moses was curious, decided to go take a look closer. Once he turned to do so, he heard his name called from the bush. This was his first real encounter with God. God told Moses he was going to use him to lead his people out of slavery in Egypt.

It’s important to realize, that Moses had fears, questions...and excuses.

  1. Who he was...

  2. Who God was...

  3. What others would think...

  4. His own ability...

  5. Someone else could do it.

All of these were holding Moses back from a blessing and calling that God had already put on his life. With a little bit of obedience from Moses, God was able to bless him.



  1. Start where you are.

  2. Use what you have.

  3. Do what you can.

The last excuse Moses came up with to have God send someone else to do this (because Moses couldn't talk well) is a big deal as we see in Exodus 4.

EXODUS 4:10 - "Moses said to the Lord, 'Pardon your servant, Lord. I have never been eloquent, neither in the past nor since you have spoken to your servant. I am slow of speech and tongue.'"

God then reveals to Moses that he will use Aaron to be the ‘voice’, but He will still use Moses to be the presence that frees the people. Aaron was his brother. Someone who had been in Moses life forever. The reality is, there are people in your life that God will use to help shape the destiny that He has laid out for your life.




As we are looking at how the story of God using Moses to influence and free people applies to your life, there may be people that you know who need the hope and freedom of Jesus coming to mind right now. These may even be friends that might come to church but don’t really know who Jesus is and why He came for them in the first place.



ASK: Who are the friends that come to mind when you think of people who need God?

CHALLENGE: Write down their names (on a notecard, paper, in bible, on phone/iPod.)

Think about who those people are and then write those names down. It’s important to realize that we all have the opportunity for someone to be saved and meet Jesus. 

As you write those names down you may also think of your own fears, excuses, or reason why you can’t influence them. Write those down too!


What if 25% of your school because a committed follower of Jesus. What if 50% did? 100%? It might seem far fetched, but it all starts with one person accepting their calling and being obedient to it.



Leaders, take a few minutes to pray for your group and lead your students in praying for each other, individually, as they begin a journey of being obedient to the call God has placed on their lives to be an influencer with their friends. Pray against the fears that will try to keep them from reaching their friends.




Elevate Church